Project Description
An improved focus on employee safety, worldwide, prompted the Health and Safety department of PepsiCo to review the safety procedures at their beverage plants in India. In the course of the exercise, it was identified that the existing plant safety manual was verbose and archaic, lacked user-friendliness, and prevented consumption. Ecannus Design was assigned the task to present the information in a format that encourages absorption.
We initiated the painstaking process of analysing the abundance of information; looking for patterns and consistencies that would allow us to reorganise it into more perceptible chunks. The exercise revealed that Pepsi has a well-defined Safety Framework that forms the basis of all information that follows in the document. Based on this insight, we drew an exhaustive content map and a design blueprint.
The information was categorised in accordance with Pepsi’s Health and Safety Framework. Each section of the framework was color-coded for high recall, breadcrumbs were strewn in for easy navigation, and exciting visuals were used to break the monotony. Images from Pepsi’s plants were used to build geographical association. Finally, we had a design that looked appealing and served as a ready-reckoner in case of contingencies.